Thursday, July 31, 2008

Back home, back online

Okay, so while the laptop is still banged up, at least the desktop is up and running, if not convenient for chasing two monkeys, getting caught up on e-mail, banking, etc., and accomplishing anything else. Its good to be home, and good to be back online with the conveniences of home (like cable and internet!). I have had two more appointments with my doctors - one for a fetal echocardiogram and one normal prenatal appointment.

The echocardiogram went really well, and the baby's small defect seems to have resolved itself for the most part. She said that it is more difficult to see through the ribcage now that baby's ribs are developing more solidly, and that there are shadows she had to look through/around and that there is a small chance a slight defect still exists, but she felt confident it had resolved itself.

I have also been a touch worried that this baby was breech because K was, and also because I've been feeling either a foot or a hand outside of my ribcage lately, and it turns out it was/is definitely a foot. Baby is head down and ready to come out and play soon. Toward that end, the high risk doctor would like for me to think about induction around 37 weeks if conditions are favorable. My initial thought is NO! I don't want to end up having a repeat c-section because baby is not ready to come out and we try to force the issue. Her logic centers on the increased possibility of stillbirth that comes with children of diabetic moms, which I will continue to research. I haven't heard much about this, and will therefore have to look at whether or not this is a realistic concern.

She also suggested an amnio at around 37 weeks to determine the readiness of the lungs. BUT since amnios can cause birth/labor, what if that amnio creates a birth situation in which baby will come before he or she is ready because we forced the issue and then has immature lungs, because we tried to see if the lungs were ready? Again, something I will have to look into before a decision is made.

All-in-all, the possibility now exists for a baby within the next 4-5 weeks, which is mind boggling, and I feel like I have much to do and miles to go before I sleep. I guess it works out well that I have already developed my late-term insomnia so that I will have plenty of time to think things through and search for information. I haven't confirmed arrangements for H and K yet, and I fear a repeat c-section that will require a hospital stay that is too much for them to handle, and too much for me as well. On a rational front, I know that it will all work itself out, but as with most things parenting, I think you tend to worry whether or not you're doing it all right. Maybe you never do, but you can't help but worry...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Like coming home

There is something about a place that just feels welcoming and inviting that makes you feel like you're home. For me, at this point, it is my in-laws house. Just coming into town, seeing the familiar shops and streets and finally their home makes me feel safe, comfortable and welcome in a way that nowhere else seems to do right now.

Needless to say, it was nice to get "home" last night. H remembered where every toy was hidden and every fun thing to do was stashed, and he too immediately made himself at home, breaking out most of the toys as well as the playdoh and paints (within a very short period of time). K took a few more minutes to get into the mix, but trust me when I say she remembers this place on some level as well, even though she was barely past one year when we visited last and is coming up on two before I can blink.

We're heading to the beaches of New Hampshire today, and I am really looking forward to the possibility of a little R&R in the midst of this exhausting journey. With sixty-some days to go 'til my due date, the long days of driving and running around are starting to catch up with me, I fear. Of course I hate to admit exhaustion, but the slowness of my body and quickness of my temper are both testaments to my quickly fading energy each day.

Both kiddos have been clamouring to get home lately ("Mom, I wanna go home," when asked what they want to do that day, although H sometimes alternates that with, "go to the zoo and see animals") and I can't say that I really blame them. We will spend the next few nights at the beach with family as we have done each year since they have been born, including when H was only a month old. Following that, we'll spend a few days here at the in-laws, then travel home to Mississippi.

I really hope that a few days at home will give us a chance to settle in and get back to normal, or as normal as we can without daddy around. (Of course, said routine will last only as long as baby-to-be stays put, then we have to find a new normal. Ah, the joys of military wife-hood.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

On the road again

Okay - here I am up bright and early, coffee brewing, already showered and dressed, car is (nearly) loaded and after I figure out what I want to eat before we leave, I think we're hitting the road. I am slightly more apprehensive about this leg of our journey, but I also know that both of the kids are ready to get home, as am I.

Yesterday, H got upset about something or nothing, and went into the bedroom and started crying, which is completly unlike him. He didn't have tears, but was visibly upset and just looked like someone had killed his (non-existent) puppy. I went in and hugged him and asked what was up and he looked at me with an expression that will haunt me and said, "I just miss my daddy." Of course I couldn't help but cry and tell him that I miss him too. We talked for a few minutes and cuddled and tried to figure out what we'd like to do while waiting for daddy to come home or until he called again and we could talk to him. H swears that when F calls again, he wants to tell him how much he misses his daddy, but since he has been reluctant to even say hello lately, we'll see if that happens.

With the self-imposed stress of packing for the trip and things that will take place over the next few weeks, I'll admit to being tired and a little off my game, but this incidet with H threw me. He seemed to have recovered (have I?) and moved on and had a blast watching fireworks last night. We went to the school across the street and played on the playground until Mommy got a little nervous about K's lack of balance at night and being 5' off the ground, and we moved to a smaller/lower play area and the kids went on the swings and watched for a while. I don't think we saw many from the Fort, but there were plenty of private shows that were enormous and unbelievably expensive, I'm sure, and they just seemed to keep going, and lasted long enough to wear us all out (mostly).

And so I rise, bright and early, get showered and dressed and ready for the day. Maps are packed, toys and clothes all stashed into the van, and all that is missing is a bit of last minute laundry and the monkeys. Wish us luck and pray for us over the next week of driving adventures! We should be at the family reunion for Thursday, and my cell is always on (signal, well, I can't guarantee that I'll have that).

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Been a few days

We're all moving on in the next few days. F is heading to Papua, New Guinea and the kids and I are off on another road trip here in a few days. We're in the process of packing up the toys and clothes and miscellaneous equipment required to travel with small children, and having a tough time dealing with cherished items being packed up for the next few days.

I think each of them will get a box of "stuff" that they are allowed to destroy and re-pack for the next few days, and they can each chose which treasures will go into those boxes. Beyond that, its all getting stuffed into the car again for another adventure.

Although its inevitable, we seem to have a great deal more "stuff" than we did when we arrived, to the point that I am seriously considering boxing some of it up and sending it along home. My only fear there is that the temporary forward I put on the mail will end up returning it all here, as the USPS does its highly efficient job of reading simple requests (no offense Auntie A!)

As for the purpose of this whole journey, the new Mr. and Mrs. S are on their mini-moon to Bonneville Hot Springs, to be followed by the official honeymoon in December to the warmer climes of Mexico. The bride was beautiful and I only hope that the flower girl didn't steal the show. I apologized in advance for the photographers taking as many photos of K as they did the bride and groom (or so it seemed). Not really my fault that the photographer fell in love with her cute little face! She was quite the ham, and I swear half of the table cameras probably have K playing with bubbles too.

The ceremony itself was beautiful, and it was tough for many not to cry - even the minister/stepfather of the groom. A's dad couldn't get the "her mother and I do" out when asked who gave her away. The new bride and groom did wonderfully, and the guests will never know that the silly Maid of Honor who offered to take care of holding on to the Bride's vows until the ceremony walked out to the staging area without them and had to do a mad dash (29 weeks pregnant in high-heeled flip flops) back to the Bride's prep room to retrieve them just in time to walk out with the Best Man. Okay, so not my finest hour, but we got them in time and didn't miss a step!

Following the wedding, the kids got to play with their cousins (H says they are his new best friends, not his cousins). We even managed to make the trek to the top of Multnomah Falls, which is not a bad hike unless you attempt it with 4 children aged 6, 3 1/2, 3 and nearly 2 years old! Dedicated hikers, they are not! K stayed in her carrier for the most part - on the front on the way up (where she fell asleep) and on my back on the trip down, during which she pulled my hair and sang to me. The boys all did really well, but wow, that was a long one mile in each direction!

H is very sad that his new best friends are gone, and I think all of us are ready to get moving on the next portion of our adventure. We had intended to wait for Monday to leave, but now I think we're heading out Saturday sometime. Family reunion, here we come!